Monday, August 27, 2007


Day 1 of vacation - I ran nearly 4 miles (as my mile tracker says) today. It was interesting, because, umm... it was hard! Toward the end of my run, I always feel like I could keep going. But somewhere in the middle, I want to stop. I made the mistake of including an uphill portion twice in my run. Fun! But when I was approaching mile 3, a voice in my head said 'if this is so hard, how do you think you will ever run a half-marathon?!' Thankfully, I recognized the voice for what it was - self-doubt. Because the answer to that is that I will work my way up to it, obviously, and I will be able to do it when it's time. But just like every other major task in life, it can't be done haphazardly or impulsively. And, it has be done step by step. That's hard for me - I don't like steps. And part of the steps includes discomfort. The truth is, that's kind of what we're all afraid of - the discomfort that comes from challenging the boundaries of our comfort zone. But overcoming that feeling of being one step away from stopping, not knowing if I'm gonna make it to the end of the workout - I LOVE that feeling of accomplishment! Truth be told, that's why I want to do stuff like run races, so I can get the rush that comes from knowing that I pushed myself beyond what felt comfortable to me.

I was watching Dr 90210 tonight, and this lady got a tummy tuck. I mean, I'm not mad at her, she looked good. But what happened to good ole fashioned weight loss?! Our society is so committed to quick fixes and shortcuts, we miss the character building that comes from actually going through a process to bring something to pass. I mean, I have experienced some very un-fun things in my life, but when it comes down to it, I wouldn't trade them, because they have helped make me who I am.

My eating wasn't great today. I made a really good banana bread this weekend, and I had some today. Without a schedule, it was harder to stay on top of my meal times, so even though I ate banana bread and whole wheat pasta (1/2 serving) for dinner, I am probably still under my calories. I was tempted to drink a Mike's too, to top off my day, but I resisted that sugar trap. Gotta take off that weekend weight. Tomorrow's a new day!


RunToTheFinish said...

Great post! I think most of us that are out there busting our bums have had every one of these thoughts!

Rob Tucker said...

I think the same thing.. I know a few people who had that bariatric surgery.. a few needed it, they were way too far past the point of return, but when I saw someone smaller than me get it, I got mad about it.

It's not even my life, but I know that feeling well. It's like.. why risk surgery to replace laziness.

Oh well =)

Anonymous said...

Four miles! Very nice. You're on the way to half marathon land sooner than you think!