Friday, June 22, 2007


I dunno what it is, but today just was not a good eating day for me. I got up early and worked out (good). But I ate carbs afterward (bad), twice (worse). French toast sticks and corn bread. Hours apart, but not a part of my plan. And then I missed a meal, for no apparent reason except the fact that I probably overate and therefore wasn't hungry, and was busy. Therefore, I know I didn't have enough protein yet today. It just makes me feel off. I don't know how it's gonna affect my final weigh-in on Sunday, seeing as how my weight seems to be slow to re-calibrate this week. So at the very least, I will expect to be the same on Sunday, which will be better than being up a little honey, but nowhere near as good as being down. Of course, I will have noone to blame but myself, so whatever.

I'm looking forward to a fresh start in July (maybe that's part of the problem). Although I am not by nature competitive, I definitely throw myself into what I do, so I will go all out to pull my weight. No pun intended. ;)


Conservative Beat Down said...

I'm the first to post a comment! Ha!
I feel you on the eating today though. I ate late this evening because I worked late. Now I'm going to bed on a full stomach....not good. But tomorrow I will go for a run and try to burn off my evening meal. (Chicken Breast sandwiches)

Marcol said...

I havent been diligent about commenting these past few days, forgive me. I know what you mean about TGIF, I wish everyday was Friday... Anyway, sounds like July will be a FREEDOM month for you and full of changes. ENJOY! Your team is still going to lose :)

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Rob Tucker said...

Sadly, here I am reading about TGIF on Sunday night.

Only five more days til the next one!