Wednesday, June 6, 2007

So Tired...

I have been on a roll, so I didn't want to miss blogging today, but I am so tired after only 3 hours of sleep and a 12-hour day of work, plus an attempt to get ready for a long day tomorrow that includes a job interview, counseling, class & work. I was supposed to be in the bed already. Anyway, nothing special to report today. I'm excited about Rob's all-time low! My weight is coming down after my cheat day on Sunday. I missed another meal today (sorry dr. berardi), but stayed within my parameters, which is a good thing. I discovered some sausage patties from Trader Joe's that are really good. Better than the veggie sausage patties from Morning Star, which are bleh, as Kristen would say. Does anyone else out there think it's funny that you can like and be attached to and interested in people you have never even laid eyes on? I do, but maybe it's just me. I'm proud of myself that I made a decision not to go to the gym tomorrow morning. Sounds strange I know, but there was a time that I just would have irrationally and unnecessarily pushed myself to get up at 5:00 am and go two days with too little sleep. Of course, I will be getting up at 5 on Friday, but at least I can get a decent night's sleep tonight. That is, if I ever take my a$$ to bed! On that note, g'nite!


Marcol said...

Im proud that you made a decision to forfeit the gym today (Thursday) in light of your circumstances. Friday at 5am will be more productive since youve received some much needed REST! Progress/Development comes in so many ways sometimes we miss it if we're only looking for BIG changes. Youve grown so much and Im proud of all your accomplishments!

Rob Tucker said...

It's not weird to care so much about how others are doing that are complete strangers. I check everyone's blogs probably 5-7 times a day. When I see you guys hit new lows, a smile crosses my face. And, when the bad things come around, like Kev bouncing back over 300 - I feel that pain personally.

We're a team, and as cheesy as it sounds, I care a ton about you guys and how you succeed. That's why I tend to 'call people out' when they're slacking - only because I've been there, and had an excuse for that.

You're doing great :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you to skip the gym. It's still taking care of your body and that's what's important.

Totally get the "connection with people you've never met" thing, btw.

Kristen said...

I am so so so into my online friends. I think I almost talk to you guys more than I talk to my non-FAT friends. In fact, even when I'm talking to my non-FAT friends, I'm pretty much only talking about you guys.

Also, I think that we all see a much more in-depth side of each other through our writings. Like Rob said, we are with each other through the ups and downs of this whole thing. I do not share all of these details with my other friends for the most part - for various reasons. Nobody else cares what my emotions were when I was downing that cheeseburger yesterday or what exactly caused me to indulge.

blah blah blah...ok, now I'm taking my a$$ to bed :)