Friday, June 1, 2007

A Girl's Gotta Do What A Girl's Gotta Do

Ironically, I was thinking about what I was going to title this blog early this morning, and now I don't remember what they were! Anyway, I did it - I got up at 5:00 this morning and made my way to the gym. I actually managed to get almost all of my workout in (brutal), with the exception of 3:00 of cardio. Most of the morning, I was recalling the days when I used to get up at ungodly hours on a regular basis. It was good to remember that I definitely have a 'do what I gotta do' in my spirit. I haven't had to tap into it much lately, so it's good to know it's still there. I've still got it baby! Marcol is right, it's genetic. My brother has been known to get up at 4 am to get his workout in. It's always interesting to me when people make excuses, because, as I said before, we find a way to do what we really want to do. Although exercise is not as important as diet when it comes to weight loss, exercise is the key to having a toned, muscular body, and to being strong. That's more important to me than the numbers, although the numbers do matter!

It also struck me today how easy it has been to eat right this week. I'm sure that I could have found temptation if I wanted it, but I have been VERY focused, and it's a great feeling! It kind of ties in to my other post, because I have found that one of the things that helps me stay on track is having a cheat day set aside. Cuz let me tell you, on Sunday, it's ON! I plan to have an orange Sunkist, and almost whatever else I feel froggish enough to eat. Isn't it funny though, how a lot of times your taste changes, and you don't even want what you used to, or you can't eat as much as you used to? Another thing that helps is having goals, even the ones as small as wearing a new pair of sneakers (they did feel great Lacy!), or just wanting to lose weight and get a star on my calendar. I was reading something that talked about setting goals that are behavior-based... maybe I'll paste some of that in tomorrow. Until then... nighty night.


Rob Tucker said...

Sounds like you've found your groove again. I love seeing it. Now, keep it up!

Marcol said...

Yay you! New sneakers worn, early rising, 1st week of classes, BIG things youre doing and youre doing them all wonderfully! Way to go. I hear you about not giving into temptation or even being tempted. And yeah its funny how the same things that got you FAT you dont even want anymore who would have thunk it? Im looking forward to hearing your magical number this week. Im sure youre going to get the one youre looking for! A star is on the horizon.