Sunday, September 2, 2007

On My Own

You know, when it gets down to it, all you have is yourself. Before anyone gets all up in arms, let me say: I am a firm believer in community - family, friends, counselors, whoever. I have made it through very difficult times in my life because I have had a community of people on my side, and I'm grateful for all of them, even the ones that are no longer really a part of my life. However, when it comes down to it, even with a trainer or someone to push you, it's your own internal voice that keeps you going. It has to be you that silences the excuses and gets out there to get it done. Today I broke out my jumprope and did 40:00 of intervals on my jump rope. Was it the best workout? No. Do I wish I had access to a gym? Yup. But did I let that stop me? NO! I remember a couple of years ago coming to my Nana's house with a jumprope and using her stairs for exercise, cuz I was determined. Nobody can do that for me. When it comes down to it, I can have all the encouragement and support in the world, but they can't do it for me. They can, however, help me do it, and I thank God every day for that. Thanks to all of you who read my blog for your comments and encouragement - it is much appreciated. Here's to a good Labor Day and a great weight loss week!


Kirsten said...

have you checked to see if your school has a gym? most do and allow students to use it...

Marcol said...


Youre a very strong person who has a level of determination unlike many others. Its no wonder you made do with a jump rope. What about those weights in your trunk? Those should help while youre away from the gym. Dont forget all those body weight exercises you know about - those shoul allow for a pretty decent training session while youre away from the gym.

Again, good for you keeping at it no matter what, thats just what I'd expect from you! Today, you deserve TWO stickers ;)

Ripx180 said...

your right it all comes within, whether you fail or succeed is all on the person. However is sure is nice to be surrounded by people to help jump start that little voice in your head on occasion when you need it most.

Melissa said...

I can relate to this entry so much. I dont have a gym membership right now, and probably wont for awhile. So I really am pushing myself to find creative ways to work out. Good for you for pushing through that jump rope workout, even though it may not have felt like the hardest still was a workout :)

Anonymous said...


Everything is as it were on 8/30 when you left - safe, secure & damage free. Now you can return to your gym and your normal eating habits.

Tea said...

Excellent determination!

Have you considered signing up for a race?