Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Random Stuff

1) Weight loss has returned me to the land of the Shirt Tuckers. Although I have a fairly healthy self-esteem (I know I'm cute, and I have been known to stop traffic a time or two, but I'm no Catherine Zeta-Jones), I don't often look in the mirror and smile at what I see. Today, in my new jeans and tucked-in shirt, I did.

2) Someone at the gym said to me today 'you must be a bodybuilder'. I'm not, and perhaps I should have been flattered, but... I wasn't.

3) The best-laid plans... you know the rest. I turned on my broiler yesterday, in accordance with my plan to cook my meat for the week (steak & pork loin, plus salmon for dinner). In the process, the pans that I store in the oven got really hot. How hot, you ask? So hot that I melted a dishcloth taking them out of the oven. There goes the baking sheet and the dishcloth. I didn't even know that was possible. I was tempted to go to Burger King, but instead I made myself an improvised protein shake, and actually drank it all (although I didn't enjoy it).

4) Hunger makes you do funny things. How badly did I want a lemon cookie today? How badly did I want to eat all the sweet things that are in my fridge? On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say it was a 7.5. I even wanted a Mike's lime, which is a weekday no-no. Not to mention the leftover, unopened package of M & M's. But, I sit tonight having consumed NONE of it. That's right, I resisted all temptations. But I know that my hunger, caused by a missed meal (couldn't be helped), made me crave some stuff I shouldn't eat. I ate some carrots instead. Yum.


Anonymous said...

Ok, you deserve a huge pat on the back for picking carrots over M&Ms!!! I've had to ward off some cravings myself, and it ain't easy!! So good for you. :)

About the bodybuilder comment, Serena (or Venus...I can never tell) in your visualization pic looks like she could be a body builder. Not the bad kind, though...you know, where they look like dudes in bikinis. :)

Kristen said...

Shirt Tucking is a huge step. Congrats!

billy said...

Dang it Rebecca, I love reading your blog, but what I don't love is my co-workers seeing a giant, all pink blog up on my screen ;)

I still resist the tuck...

Ripx180 said...

Ohhh the dreaded T Tuck... I used to love wearing polos and t-shirts not so much these days. That must feel great to tuck it and feel good about it. I have a long way to go to get to that point. I will again someday....

I don't know how you resist food that is in your own fridge. I just make sure its not even available. I would be slipping all the time if I had some of the stuff you talk about (caramels, cookies, and m&ms). Makes me hungry just typing about it.. ;)

I hear you on the hunger/cravings and nice work stopping yours. That seems to be the time I screw up the worst. If I get past hungry I usually end up doing something I regret (eating something bad).

Rebecca said...

Beck - It's Serena, and you're right. I'm sure she was being complimentary, that is ultimately the kind of look I'm going for.

Billy - lol... pink is a great color!

Rip - I used to have to do the whole eliminator thing, so I feel you. It would probably be better for me if I did it anyway, even though I can resist it. I try to buy small servings of stuff as much as possible for my weekend treats.

Melissa said...

The tshirt tuck! That is awesome :)

Awesome job on working through the cravings yesterday do. You are so inspirational. I cant wait to have my own blog entry like that :)

Anonymous said...

Hey there - It's me, your MValley friend. I'm sooooooo very proud of you and thrilled to be linked into this aspect of your life (the last remaining vestige of newness in our friendship...) I might have to do something unexpected to keep it funky (what, like hit the gym? Not that fresh, not that fresh) Seriously though. I read and feel inspired and then I return to my routine and untucked lifestyle. One day, something will resonate and I will have the resolve. Maybe it's your story, maybe it's in me, maybe it's something someone else will say. Keep up the hard and awesome work. You are an amazing woman and I'm blessed to have you as a friend. -S

Marcol said...

Excellent on refusing to let your hunger dictate to you but rather you showed AWESOME discipline. Of course you did, who are we talking about here - Rebecca of course!

I got a chance to check out Serena a week or two ago on USA - her body is HOT so if you're aiming for the same and are starting to get the compliments about it - whoohooo for you ;)

Keep up the great work - who am I kidding that is of course how YOU do it anyway!!!

RunToTheFinish said...

baby steps and you are making tons of them, all right on up to your goal!! Keep it up!

Rob Tucker said...

Very cool on all accounts. I got here late and everyone took all the good comments :)

Tea said...

WOW! I go into taper and missed the BEST POST!

Congrats on the compliments (even though, you didn't really like the body builder one). Congrats on your whole approach to your diet. Avoiding m&m's? WOW!

doesn't it feel good to look in the mirror and like what you see?