Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Today I got a compliment - someone told me that I look really thin. Nice.

However, today was not a good eating day. I ate unnecessary carbs. And for the most part they were not even worth it. A month-old tortilla, for example. Yuck. (It wasn't mine - I was at work & didn't check the expiration date - a mistake I will never make again).

My run was nice. Although I was supposed to be born in Hawaii (God got confused I guess), I do have to say that I enjoy running in the brisk air very much. It's refreshing.

Well, off to bed & up at 6:30 (late) for a cardio session. Probably gonna hit the stairclimber - BIG fun!


Marcol said...

Eww on the month-old tortilla. So sorry you had to have that unfortunate experience and waste of carbs.

The thin comment must have made you feel pretty good. Seems like youre getting those more frequently these days - says something about your progress. Good for you Skinny!

Hawaii, wouldnt that be nice - but the brisk air is actually better for your metabolism ;)

swankywanker said...

I personally prefer the cool air for exercising. But, if there were a way to get my fat ass to Hawaii, I would jump at the chance. Hope your week is going well. Thank God for the weekend! Enjoy it.

RunToTheFinish said...

I totally understand the eating of things that you can't really understand why later... at the time that really stale old tortilla sounded great..then about 5 seconds later it hits you that you could have had a cookie for that tortilla! :)

Melissa said...

I love walking in the cool air to. Its such a breath of fresh air and so satisfying!

Awesome comment. Skinnie Minnie!

Kristen said...

Not too long ago, I decided to eat a stale piece of flat bread. It tasted gross, but I plugged on. Then I went to go get a second piece and noticed all the green. Yuck! A real low point for me :)

I can't wait to see progress pics...hint hint. come on...throw us a bone already :)