Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another Week...

I remember years ago, when I was young & foolish, my older, wiser brother said to me: 'perspective is reality'. I disagreed with him then, but I have come to realize that he is right. Since today is his birthday, I just might tell him that.

Whatever perspective a person has shapes everything: their thoughts, feelings, beliefs, actions, attitude. Sometimes a simple perspective change (or paradigm shift, as Steven Covey calls it) can radically alter someone's life. I mean, we have all experienced the pain of trying to help someone change something that we clearly see is bad for them. But until they see it for themselves, our efforts will be futile.

I guess for me, the bottom line is that my perspective on the various aspects of my life: school, weight loss, relationships, dictates how I handle them. School is my number 1 priority. I have been feeling a tad bit overwhelmed by the amount of reading that I have to do, but I realized that I need to be reminding myself that I am capable of handling all of it, and that I am privileged to be in school, and grateful to be learning about what I love. When I take on that perspective, it's easier and less daunting.

Weight loss is also a top priority and my perspective on it is that it's not an option - gotta do what I gotta do to get it done, as quickly as possible. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not willing to starve myself or take any other drastic measures, but within reason, I need to do what it takes to get it done. It's a sacrifice. I spend a lot of time planning meals, meal times, shopping lists, cooking, and preparing for my week so that I can eat well. But my perspective tells me that there is no alternative. There is an abundance of food opportunities around work & school, and if I am not prepared with my own food, I will indulge. Not a good idea for my pocket or my waistline. So... I spend the time to prepare & plan.

I've worked pretty hard pretty consistently for over a year. September 12 was my weight loss anniversary. 42 lbs later, I have learned a lot. I am a better, more confident person. Although I am not any happier necessarily, I am happier with myself, if that makes sense. I have lost 10 inches from my waist, about 5 from my hips, and 4 from my thighs. (I'm speaking from memory, so those aren't exact numbers). And I have a sense of accomplishment that no one can take from me. Cuz nobody did it for me. People helped me, and I'm SO grateful for it. It's not even about wearing a smaller size or looking better in my clothes (although I am NOT mad at those things!) It's about taking control of my life, putting my priorities in order, and doing what it takes, day after day, to get it done.


Marcol said...
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Marcol said...

So much I could comment on about your blog but truth be told it speaks volumes all by itself. Perspective is definitely everything and I guess as the OLDER brother learned from his years we too have come to learn as we've progressed in years :)

YEAH for you for real on the outstanding accomplishments youve made since September 12th of 2006. Its so true no matter the amount of advice, help you received about any of your goals, not one of them would have been successfully reached if YOU had not wanted them and applied the dedication and discipline to see them through. BIG, BIG UPS to you for that...youre an inspiration to me and your level of discipline and determination inspires and motivates.

May the next year you face bring as much if not more accomplishments your way - you deserve everyone because you definitely have the application part down pat.

And yes, you are most capable of doing whatever assignments your professors throw your way! Show them who's Boss and what an awesome student you are and professional youll become as a result of your studies. GET IT DONE!!!

RunToTheFinish said...

I too have been going through the self review lately and making sure that I"m focused on the right things in life. It's a long process this being healthy and happy journey!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the 42lbs!!!! I am so proud! You are inspiring me.

swankywanker said...

I am really impressed with your determination right now. I know that with your perspective you know what great things you are doing, but I just thought I'd remind you. You're learning, which is one of the most challenging and rewarding things to do. You are in school to be a do-gooder. You are improving your life so you can be strong enough to help others do the same.

You are one of the strongest people I know, lady. I'm proud to say I got your back.

Earl said...

I believe the quote is perception is reality' :)