Monday, September 3, 2007

Not Much to Say

I ran about 4.2 miles today. It was great, but tough. I had the brilliant idea to include hills. Great Rebecca. My eating has not been great, and I have not weighed myself since Thursday for personal reasons (not avoiding the scale, just haven't had access to one). But since I should be returning to a semblance of normalcy (albeit, a new normal) soon, I will be able to properly assess the damage.

FYI: I have not been able to comment on any blogs, or at least most blogs, for the past few days. The computer I have been using has forbidden it for whatever reason. I'm sure that nobody reall cares, but just in case someone missed my infinite wisdom's appearance on their blog, I'll be back!


Rob Tucker said...

4.2 hilly miles is just impressive. When you add those inclines it becomes a completely different run. Very cool!

Ripx180 said...

Glad your back up and running on the computer ( I was wondering where my comments were :)

Thats a seriously long run. Hopefully your bad eating hasn't done to much damage. I hate it when I do that and have to re-loose lbs.

Melissa said...

I care ;-)

Great run!

Kristen said...

I care too :)

swankywanker said...

Wow, 3 non inclined miles just kicked my ass. Way to go with the hills. My teammate, ladies and gentlemen!

Tea said...

Hey...I understand, and I'm glad you're back.

I'm sure you will be just fine when you finally find a scale.