Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Best Laid Plans

Not much time to write tonight - last minute reading to do for tomorrow's stats class. Nothing really remarkable happened today, at least not on the diet front, except that I passed by Rosie's Bakery and barely even noticed. That's about a week of Rosie abstention. I think I deserve a cookie. OK, not a cookie. Maybe just a pat on the back, which I am giving myself right now. Tomorrow is up early (for me), off to the doctor, the gym, class and work. I can hardly contain my excitement. But one thing I have learned in this journey is the importance of being prepared. Which of course requires planning. I spend a good amount of time every night preparing my meals, and when my schedule deviates from normalcy, I literally write down when and what I'm going to eat. I am realizing that there are so many things that can go wrong (Murphy's Law), that if you don't have a plan, you're really screwed. Like I was reading on Rob's blog today, he at least had a lunch he brought to work, so when something else came up, he had a plan. If he didn't, he might have indulged in pizza. And who could blame him? Certainly not me, I love pizza. Especially sausage pizza! Today, I was cooking a meal at work, in the toaster oven, when lo and behold, a fuse blows. So I'm looking at raw meat, knowing that if I didn't eat at that time, my eating schedule for the day would have been all jacked up. So I stayed late at work, ate my burger in the car, and pretty much stayed on track for the day. It's actually been amazing to me how on track I have stayed since my horrible weekend. Of course, it's only been 2 days, but still - I have avoided carbs, and really not even been tempted. I really am trying to do everything in my power to see the scale move this week. I wanna wear my new sneakers! And I want a star on my calendar. :) It's the little things in life...


Kristen said...

Stars are fun...

Rob Tucker said...

That's exactly right - once you're actually IN your plan, it's not so hard to stick to it. If you're just going with the wind, if the wind changes, you change.

Good for you :)

Lacy said...

Yay for sticking to the plan! I hope you get to wear your sneakers soon! Have a great day!

Marcol said...

You were able to pass by Rosie's without even a thought of popping in? Now thats B.I.G. You make me proud :) You are the master planner and good for sticking to it, so again no worries that youll make it through this day successfully. Cant wait to hear how returning to class has you feeling. Keep at it, youll do A-OK!