Thursday, May 24, 2007

Well, thank God for my midday post yesterday, because my Internet wasn't working last night, so I couldn't post. Oh no! But I'm back. I have a few things to say. First, let me clarify my breakfast food issue: I am willing to eat breakfast food anytime, but I don't eat non-breakfast food before noon. There's a little hole in the wall that sells a really tasty breakfast, and I won't hesitate to have breakfast for dinner when I'm feeling froggish!
Enough of that - I am very proud of myself, because yesterday I went to Rosie's bakery (the source of much of my cheating), purchased smoothies for my charges, and NOTHING (yup, you read right - nothing) for myself. Not a blondie, or smoothie, or Soho glob (a chocolate cookie with walnuts). But I've realized that sometimes I just eat things because they're available. For example, on Tuesday, during my 3-hour window, I went out of my way to go to Rosie's and get a smoothie before my window closed. But the truth is, I didn't REALLY want it. I just got it because I could have it, and I know that's no good. Today was a workout day too, but I decided to forgo the starchy carbs for the sake of my weigh-in on Sunday. My weight hasn't really recovered from my cheat day on Sunday, so I want to give it all the help I can! A while ago I bought myself some sneakers, and I've been waiting to wear them until I lose 1.4 pounds. I was a bit scared that that I would feel sluggish from not having any significant carbs, but I didn't. And I thought to myself 'I can do this!'. I love pushing myself and realizing that I can do more/better than I thought I could. I know, for some people skipping a carb window is nbd (lol - Marcol), but for the person who loves sweets to miss the small opportunity to have some, it's a bd!
Today was the last day of my jump squat set of exercises. Thank God. There's something about the combo of jump squats and push-presses and good mornings that really hurts my feelings. How about I didn't even want to do my cardio? I actually paused twice on the treadmill. Once to tie my shoelaces, once to complain. I pushed my way through, but I wasn't feelin it today for some reason. That actually makes it sweeter that I did it. I used to be afraid to let myself slow down long enough to not feel like doing something. So I would just go go go. Now I've realized that it's ok to acknowledge that I don't always feel like doing stuff, as long as I do it anyway. And it's actually a sweeter victory then. Cuz it's DEFINITELY hard work. Night Night!


Marcol said...

And ummm, its actually nice to acknowledge you dont want to do something and NOT do it too :-) Sometimes thats OK and needed. Anyway, great job on pressing through your 3 hour window without carbs - I never doubted your could do it! And for those who don't know passing up Rosie's is a BD cause the things Rebecca mentioned are down right good, well the ones Ive had at least. Stay in the press, youre almost at goal!

Rob Tucker said...

Sounds like you're learning a few key lessons.

"Needs" over "Wants"

"Mind" over "Body"

Good job!

Kevin A. said...

And I thought to myself 'I can do this!'. I love pushing myself and realizing that I can do more/better than I thought I could.

Bam! That's the lesson we all need to learn, and remind ourselves of.

Anonymous said...

You'll find a female version, too, which could be call a clitoris sizegenetics. In fact, all primates, moreover human beings, use a penis sizegenetics.That's nice to know, simply because means that foreplay and oral sex play a higher role at the sexuality of humans than with all other primates and most other mammals. Since a sizegenetics is neither utilized on your male or female of the human species (getting a penile or clitoral sizegenetics), that means we rely on more intimate foreplay and sometimes even oral sex to stimulate our partners into become sexually engorged. It's one aspect that sets human beings moreover our ape brothers and sisters.