Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Quitters Never Even Try To Win...

When I first started losing weight, I was afraid that I was not going to see it through. I knew that I wanted to lose (gulp) 60-70 lbs, but I thought that I would lose maybe 20 lbs or so and then quit. As you can see, I have not done that. In retrospect I'm not exactly sure where that fear came from, because I am NOT a quitter. In fact, my most heartbreaking struggles have come as a result of not knowing when to quit, or knowing when to quit and feeling such a profound level of commitment and responsibility and guilt that I didn't quit soon enough. Anyway... I have been considering entering the PN Body Transformation challenge, but have been a bit reluctant. Part of my reluctance, I have realized, comes from my fear that I will quit. On the other hand, I know that the challenge itself will motivate me to really push myself. Accountability is a strong force for me (notice the 10K that I posted specifics about for, yup, you guessed it, accountability). I am pretty much at a weight where I existed happily for a couple of years of my adult life. It might be easy for me to rediscover that happy existence and stay at a slightly chubby weight. But let me tell you, being forced to post pictures of myself on the Internet for the perusal of perfect strangers who might say 'i don't really see a difference' after 17 weeks, will motivate me to do whatever I need to do to get the job done. So, I'm thinking I'm gonna suck it up, pay the $100, put myself out there and go ahead and join the challenge. I have until Monday @ midnight to decide, so we'll see...

On another note, today was a poor eating day. Probably a C-. Gotta do better. Eating enough protein would be a GREAT start. Tomorrow's another day!


Kristen said...

Go for it! You certainly do not strike me as a quitter or as someone that is afraid of a challenge, but that just might be your online persona ;)

Come on...just do it!!!!

Rebecca said...

I wish I had the time & energy to create an online persona! It would probably be fun. ;) No, it's just me, and you're right about your impressions of me. Thanks for the encouragement. How are you feeling?

Rob Tucker said...

Inner Fat.

It captures all of us at some point. But you've already proven that you can, and have, succeeded. It's not a matter of 'failing' anymore, but just expanding your success.

Kristen said...

Feeling a little better, thanks. I just feel kind of drained now. Hopefully the weekend is just what I need to pep me up. I have two fun nights planned :)

Candy Girl said...

strange how when you want something bad enough and you tell EVERYONE about it, you really are held accountable. way to go!