Monday, July 23, 2007

On the Right Track

Unlike last Monday, I made it to the gym today. The weightlifting portion of my workout was cool, it was the cardio that kicked my butt. I remember when I first started doing HIIT on the treadmill back in April. 7.0 was my high intensity speed, and I felt like I was going to fall off the treadmill any minute. Now I do 7.0 (it still kicks my ass), but it's much easier, and I can do it for longer (2:00 intervals instead of 1:00), and my recovery intervals are shorter too. I like the little things that let me know that I am making progress, even when the scale doesn't cooperate. :)


Kristen said...

Screw the scale. Just think about those size 12's that were too big.

I know...I know...easy to say, but I totally mean it. You are doing so well.

Rob Tucker said...

7.0 on the treadmill's awesome. I'm a pretty tall guy, so I can 'cheat' the treadmill with longer strides, but damn. You're doing great.

Anonymous said...

7.0 is awesome! You're doing great...keep it up.

Marcol said...

Well your 7.0 is no small accomplishment. I look at what you do and only wish I could... :) Like Beck said, youre doing great!