Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Inner Athlete?

It's been so long, I hardly know where to begin! (Sorry Billy) My eating has been far from on point lately. I even skipped my workout yesterday and traded today's workout for a small shopping trip. Bad girl! But tomorrow I will be at the gym, and at the track, trying to hold it down. I really need to go to bed, like an hour ago, so I can get up in the morning and plan my life for the next 17 weeks, since I officially joined the PN Body Transformation Challenge. Today was not a stellar start for that! The only thing I did right was my high-protein breakfast. I've been thinking lately (probably brought on in part by seeing my brother) about my body build and athleticism. I have never been athletic. I hated gym class. Found excuses to skip it. Was the last to be picked for teams like kickball. Did I mention I hated gym class? Yet, over the past few years, I have found myself interested in all kinds of athletic endeavors. I have taken a couple of boxing classes (real boxing, plus numerous variations on tae bo and the like), tried to do rock climbing (liked it but the schedule didn't work for me, plus I was at my highest weight then and felt a little, shall we say, HEAVY). Just about every type of class my gym offered I tried. I have a constant desire to try new sporty things, even if I am not sure whether or not I will be good at them. I bought a tennis raquet last week and am looking into joining some type of league and finding a way to incorporate it into my fitness regimen. Training for a 10K starting in August. I'm starting to think that maybe, after all these years, there is an athlete in me somewhere. Perhaps my reluctance to participate in gym class and my lack of skill at certain activities had less to do with my actual innate ability and more to do with my body image and the fact that I am not good at everything. I am definitely not one of those 'natural' athletes who excels at everything they do. I have no aim, I suck at pool, bowling, basketball... However, I am starting to come to grips with the idea that I am good at something, I just have to find out what it is.

On the weight loss front, I have had a few bad days. Lots of things have taken me off my regular routine. I'm not worried, cuz I know my level of commitment to working out and getting where I want to be. I have a lot going on right now, lots of impending change in my life, and truth be told, it feels like a lot. A whole hell of a lot. Enough to show up in my dreams and slow down my ability to fall asleep. But I refuse to succumb to the pressure. Or, to let my weight loss/fitness goals fall by the wayside. I know that we have all continued to lose weight while life is happening around us, and I guess this will be a test for me. Plus I still have a bunch of weight to lose to lose my 10 lbs for July.


Kristen said...

I can totally relate to pretty much everything you've said. Good luck with everything!

billy said...

I know what you mean, I've never been athletic either, but I feel like I'm much more interested in challenging myself physically now!

Kevin A. said...

I was a jock-ish kind of guy, though others had it come more naturally. I still feel like my inner jock is under these last 30 pounds trying to come up for air.