Thursday, July 19, 2007


So, I need to light a fire under my butt too. This has not been a good exercise week for me. Not only did I not make it to the gym this morning, I didn't get enough sleep. Not a good combination. Combined with the fact that I missed my workout on Sunday and skipped on Monday, I am not feeling very committed. But, I will go tomorrow morning and Saturday, and next week will be better. At least my eating wasn't too bad today. There is an orange soda in the fridge with my name on it. Let's see if I answer the call.

In the spirit of visualization, I put a picture of Serena Williams right at the top of my blog in an attempt to keep myself focused. Let's hope it works! Venus is my hero, but Serena has the body I want. I have accepted the various aspects of my body that won't change - my arms have been and always will be thick, but they can at least be defined & muscular. My thighs, also on the thick side, but again... they can be defined & muscular. I do not have delusions of body alteration - genes rule. I do, however, know that I can take my genes and work with them to create the body I want to have.

Last but not least, today I wore a skirt (size 12), that I bought about 6 weeks ago. Can we say... TOO BIG? I'm going to have to give it away, which is an ego boost but also a bit frustrating. But that makes it official - I have dropped 3 sizes so far. And sizes to go before I sleep. Yay me!


Marcol said...

Serena's body is a nice one to aspire to look like. I know with your determination and dedication you'll reach this goal in no time. Ahh, sexy, sexy! :)

Marcol said...

PS - Down 3 clothes sizes, sweet! Now that shows someone knows how to get it done :) Yay, for you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Serena's body is sick! Her photo should surely inspire you. I used to keep one of Tyra Banks on her SI cover. I finally got there. Keep it up, and you will, too!