Saturday, July 7, 2007

Life is Better...

1) When you poop. I know it's gross, but one thing that I have paid more attention to since I have started losing weight is my poop. After a bout of being clogged up due to (i think) too much iron, I really value going to the bathroom.

2) When you wear your glasses. Of course, that's for me, who is supposed to wear glasses. I went to see Transformers the other day with my bro & sis, and I kept thinking how much better it was to watch with my glasses on. Who knew?!

3) When you sweat. Regularly. Yes, Kristen, even on your lower arms. :) It feels so good to go home sweaty, after you just pressed past the limits of what you felt like you could do, or felt like doing.

4) When you're in control of food. Not that you don't eat/drink what you like in moderation. But when you just eat too much of stuff that makes you feel bad, you feel... bad. About yourself. And you physically feel bad. It's just bad. I still eat stuff that I like sometimes, but I feel better that it's only sometimes.

5) When you sleep. Last summer, I was working 4-6 overnight shifts/week, plus my regular afternoon job, and I lived on about 4 hrs of sleep/day. Sometimes, no sleep. Life is SO much better when you sleep! Last summer, I put on about 20 pounds, and I'm convinced that my lack of sleep had something to do with it. Of course,not as much as my daily breakfast of Dunkin Donuts, cinnamon buns, or Burger King. Plus my dinner of Burger King, or the Chateau, or a steak & cheese, or pizza... I'm sure you get the point. Now I can say 'i want a coffee', and know that I don't have to have one, and I will be ok. And that makes life better. :)


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm...Dunkin Donuts! ;)

Life is better with sleep. I'll get there someday. :)

Kristen said...

1) Iron will do that to ya for sure.

2) I have always had ok vision, but when I went to get my glasses, everything seemed so crisp and beautiful.

3) I am getting used to lower arm sweat - yay.

4) I feel bad from this week with my family. I did not exercise the control that I thought I would - damn the mexican rice (maybe my biggest weakness - seems so innocent).

5) I just read where lack of sleep causes more cravings during the day and also makes your metabolism lower?

Great blog...covered so much.

You know I think you're badass, right?

Ripx180 said...

You said poop......... :)

ok I totally agree life is better when you poop.

I have been busy this weekend physically but I did cave to a a meal of phad Thai.... I love Thai food.

Its been really hot here in the northwest so I have had some sweet arm sweat.

I really need to work on the getting enough sleep. mon-thurs I don't usually go to bed until 11 and my alarm goes off at 4:45am.

I enjoyed your post today.

Rob Tucker said...

6) When you post great blogs.

Such great points. VERY helpful, thanks for the reminder.

Marcol said...

Sooooooooooo true!

Candy Girl said...

haha! yer funny!