Thursday, July 26, 2007


I have to give myself props today, because I resisted the dark force of cookies! Actually, even before that, I made a good choice. I overslept and missed my workout this morning (which was ok, because I got good sleep), and was in a rush. I brought protein powder with me to work, expecting to mix it with some milk. But there was no milk! There was, however, a chocolate chip cookie cake (yum)... I surely did consider eating some for breakfast. I literally pulled it out of the fridge at least 3 times today, but I managed to put it back without indulging.

I checked the freezer, which is chock full of carbs, and saw some breakfast patties, which have lots of protein. Although I didn't particularly want that, I ate it, and felt good knowing that it was a much better choice than my (tastier) alternatives. Then, later, I resisted the temptation to swing by whole foods for a cookie, and passed up a cookie from the place where I bought my lunch, which I almost never do. The day was not a complete success, but I did a few things right, which I am proud of. I am really trying to just hold on until Sunday, because my weight is finally on a downward turn, and I want to keep it going. It's unrealistic, but I'm hoping to break through the 160's this week, and that will only happen if I do the right thing.

1 comment:

Marcol said...

You definitely have reason to be proud of yourself for overcoming the chocolate chip cake - the sound alone makes me want some and you overcame it in person - way to go! There are times we can't make 100% for our grade but 80's and 90's sure aint nothing to be made about.

PS - the new addition to your bro's family is really cute!