Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Out of the Loop

I just took a stroll through some blogs, which I haven't really had much time to read over the past couple of days, and it makes me feel a bit better about where I am. I can't say that I'm completely off the wagon, but I'm not exactly riding high either. There's a slippery slope that I've started down. I discovered these really tasty lemon coconut cookies, and I've had 1 every day this week. Naughty naughty! I haven't been diligent about keeping track of my calories. Funny, last week it was the workouts that got the short end of the stick, and this week it's the diet. That's not to say that I ate perfectly last week either. Anyway, I know what the problem is - I don't have a plan! I have wavered between a few different regimens, and I am not really solid on what I'm doing right now. I am one of those people who needs a plan, or I'm just a mess. Usually this is something I do on the weekends, but if I don't harness my cookie cravings, I will gain weight instead of lose it, and that's no good. So... I need to get my act together. It also doesn't help I guess that I've got lots of different things going on personally, lots and lots of change on the horizon, which makes me have trouble sleeping, which leads to less resistance to bad food. What a tangled web...

I did, however, make it to the gym early this morning, in spite of a virtually sleepless night. And I plan to bang out some cardio first thing in the morning, and again at night. So at least I'm doing something right I suppose....


Rob Tucker said...

Glad to see you've found out WHAT the problem is. It's a strange thing how we all seem to hit the same roadblocks at the same time.

Don't just "think" your plan. Write it out. Put it out there. And report on how you succeeded.

We'll be waiting =)

Marcol said...

First, good for you with the early am workout - its people like you that I applaud in my most recent post.

Part of the dilemma in gaining weight is not being aware. You seem to have that part under control which should help you get fully on the wagon. Knowing is half the battle according to GI JOE so you have one up on many - so now that you know what you need, what will you do with what you know? What shall that plan be? Can't wait to hear it, Im sure it has some serious workouts included :) You dont go at it hands down.