Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Quick - I Have 5 Minutes!

I am on a 5-minute break from the midterm grind, so I figured I'd go ahead and post. Today was one of those days when I did not feel like going to the gym. A friend of mine says that she never knew I didn't feel like doing stuff, like work out. Now, I do love working out, but the truth is that, particularly lately, the times that I feel like going are far outweighed by the times I don't. But I go, and I'm happy when I'm done. Actually, that's part of the fun. (3 minutes).

Today I did split squats (God love 'em) with 20-lb dumbbells. I was thinking to myself 'i remember when using 10-lb dumbbells wa excruciating.' Now look at me! It's cool to see definition in new places, and even more importantly, to just feel and be stronger, physically and mentally.

Truthfully, my eating is not going so well right now. I don't know why, but I've veered off of my 'no carbs during the week' rule. Nothing crazy, just some cheese & crackers, a couple of Mike's drinks. Maybe it's the midterm pressure, maybe it's PMS. I don't know. I can do better, I'm choosing not to for some reason. But whatever consequences come as a result, I will have to take them like a woman and get back in the saddle. (Time's up).


Kristen said...

I miss you!

Thanks for stopping by with your 5 free minutes :)

Rob Tucker said...

Thanks for the quick check in :)

You LIKE squats?

(whispers) Someone get the doctors in the white coats.. Rebecca's lost it...;)

Marcol said...

You worked your "5 Minutes" :)

Split squats, grrrr... and you had 40 extra pounds while doing them. Youre right, look at you -Impressive!

You have some serious strength like you said both mentally and physically, way to go!

Ripx180 said...

I am with everyone else on the squats (yuck!!!) but they are a necessary evil.

Thanks for hooking us up with your 5 mins. I dig reading the blogs so your 5 mins gave me 5 :)

Melissa said...

Im in awe with your squats. Ahhh squats..a love/hate relationship. I hate doing squats but love the effect they have.

Everyone needs a few mikes every now and than ;)

swankywanker said...

Wow, five mminutes free and you spend it blogging? Gold star.