Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Final Countdown...

A combination of lack of home Internet access and finals has made blogging/checking blogs pretty much impossible. I can't believe the first semester of grad school is almost over! I am so tired, not only physically, but it has been a mentally and emotionally exhausting three months.

Last week I was feeling a bit discouraged because my weight was not coming off the way that I wanted it to. I was all set to give this diet one more try, and then call it a day, because I feel like it's costing me a fair amount - it's holiday time, and I can't really participate in much of the (very little) holiday activity that is around me. It's totally worth it to get the desired results, but not so much if it's not working. I felt like it wasn't working. I think measuring muscle building/fat loss progress is harder than pure weight loss. The measurements are not always as satisfying as seeing that number on the scale drop. Plus, you have to depend on what you see, which is kinda tricky, cuz if we saw ourselves accurately perhaps we wouldn't have gained so much weight in the first place.

But I was rejuvenated when I did my measurements. Since 11/18, I've lost 1.25" off my waist .75" from my hips, .25" from my thighs, .25" - calves. Not spectacular results, but solid. Can't complain. Clothes that were tight a few months ago are now loose, which is always strange. Plus I'm stronger than I was a month ago, when I started this exercise regimen. So I'm giving it another 2 cycles, having revised my goals in light of my progress thus far. Still pressing on!


Tea said...

You're always finding ways to "re-motivate"...that's what makes you a winner....or in this case, a loser...a real big loser. ;)

Jay said...

You're so exact, measured, and scientific about it all. I love that!

when's the last time you posted some pics? Is that not your thing? You've made some huge strides and I wanna see it!

Anonymous said...

Damn, girl! Those measurement are impressive!

On a side note, good luck on your paper. :)