Friday, January 18, 2008

Are We Having Fun Yet?

It was fun at first, eating what I wanted to, within reason. I made a conscious decision to take a break from my diet, fully aware that I would gain some weight. I accepted that and decided that it was worth it to be able to have dietary flexibility over the holidays. I have put on some weight, but I also got to see some people that I didn't really get to see during the semester. Worth it, because I have no doubt that I will buckle down & take it off as quickly as possible.

But the funny thing is, I stopped having fun. Eating what I want lost its luster about a week or so ago. Don't get me wrong, I didn't wolf down a whole pizza & 2 liter soda or anything, but I indulged. I thought I would enjoy it so much I would be sad for it to end, but I'm not. I am looking forward to restarting my diet. Which is crazy, because I remember 2 years ago I was completely unwilling to give up my orange soda & dessert to lose weight. My how things have changed. Which is a good feeling, even while I'm eating some cheez its or something, to know that I'm in total control.

So I get back into weight loss on Tuesday. I found a half-marathon to run on May 25 that supports programs for at-risk kids in Boston, which is a cause I believe in. So I'm excited. I start training for that the week of February 10. I realized that long-term goals like that really help me and give me something to work toward. One of the funny things about losing weight is that you can set a numerical goal, but you really have no idea whether that number is going to produce the look you want until you get there. I'm figuring that the amount of running I'll be doing from February 10 - March 29 will help me achieve my goal. And if I get to my number without having the look, I'll have 8 more weeks to get it. Sounds like a plan.


Marcol said...

It is funny how the body works. Youve apparently done something right. Youve managed to change your body's cravings by eating clean for the past year and thats why now you dont crave the "dirty" foods even though you have allowed yourself the freedom to eat them. This is where every FFG or FFB seeks to be. GREAT work Rebecca. No doubt youll continue on your lifestyle change and rock it out!

Half-marathon what will it be next??? ;)

Jay said...

yeah, I sorta felt the same way when I came back to eating right and exercising. I was actually feeling really crappy and sorta like my "old self"...a feeling I never wanted to have again. When I got back on the program, I started to feel right again.

Face it, Rebecca, there's just no going back for us :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until I get to that point. I found your blog while trying to look up rebecca from True Life.. I want the perfect body. I wanted to see where she was at with grad school and her fitness competitions. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I really get it. You make allowances for the holidays or for vacation or whatever and then you start to look forward to getting back to that healthy feeling.
When the healthy feeling is what you crave you're in a good place.

Ripx180 said...

Just don't stray from the healthy lifestyle too long or you could re-find your bad food cravings. Sounds like you are already getting back to healthy eats etc and training for a half marathon. Hope you knock that weight goal out of the park.

Anonymous said...

Those times are nice, when you can eat whatever. And it's funny how you don't miss those foods you craved when you have free reign over them!