Wednesday, January 9, 2008

5 Pounds

You would think that while I'm out of class I would be a model blogger, but not so much. Lack of home internet access is certainly a major contributing factor.

I have been enjoying my break from Get Shredded and regimented eating. I planned to take a 2 week break, but was worried about how much weight I would have to re-lose. Thankfully, it seems that in spite of my indulgences my weight is holding steady at 5 lbs up, which is ok with me. I will re-start GS on January 22, and probably do 3 more 14-day cycles. I'm hoping that will leave me at my goal weight, but we'll see. Definitely want to be at 140 by March 29 - my 30th birthday. Once I restart, it's on & poppin until I hit my goal, then I will do get unshredded to incorporate carbs slowly back in without gaining weight, and then I will probably start really focusing on getting the definition in my arms & other places. That's gonna be fun. :)

I have been running again, which is great. I did not lose much, if any, of my cardio capacity when I took a month or so off. That makes me happy.

Although I have been enjoying the freedom of eating pretty much what I want, it's not like it was. I no longer eat something just because it's there. I can have what I want, but it doesn't have me, and that's a big difference for which I am extremely grateful. I hate the feeling of being out of control. Losing weight has definitely taught me that I have the ability to delay gratification on an ongoing basis. That is a powerful lesson that has benefitted me in other areas of my life.


Marcol said...

You always have a plan and that has to be part of why youre so successful. Good work mate! I love hearing how you do it, you set it out and then bam make it happen.

That 5 lbs has nothing on you - when the 22nd comes it will sizzle :) Enjoy the rest of your break.

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you're able to control yourself after removing yourself from a specific regimen. Your discipline has always been an inspiration to me.

Jay said...

I think I need to reteach myself that "delayed gratification" thing.

Tea said...

Once many lessons that people can learn from. Mostly importantly, don't freak out if the scale goes up or down a small amount.

Anonymous said...

Losing weight teaches you a lot about yourself, especially the discipline you didn't know you had...and my birthday is march 31. for my 27th, and the rest of this year, i'm celebrating the 5 year anniversary since i lost the weight!