Thursday, April 3, 2008


Things are crazy in my world right now. As my first year of grad school comes to a close, the powers that be have decided that everything should be do at the same time. The combo of school work - group projects, papers, readings, and no home Internet access makes blogging (and weight loss) a challenge. Oh well, it's almost over.

I'm 30 now, and I'm still the same size. I thought I would be 20 or 30 lbs smaller. Disappointing. Oh well. But I have come to a point of accepting my limitations. It's getting easier for me to allow myself the flexibility to know what I can and cannot do. It's still not easy because I have this superwoman/i am woman i can do everything complex, but it's getting better. Hopefully this knowledge will allow me to pace myself better in the future, so I don't get into so many situations where I have to back away.

I'm still hitting the gym. I'm even inspiring other people to work out! And I'm working on my eating. Right now I'm away from home, in LA, so it's a little harder. But when school is over I will have more time to spend on eating properly, working out, the whole 9. Summer can't get here fast enough. But one more thing I've learned: time goes by fast. I still haven't quite gotten used to being 30, but I better get used to it quick, cuz before I know it I'll be 31.


McDonaldRETeam said...
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McDonaldRETeam said...

I can vouch for the "inspiring other people" part of the post. Went to the gym on Tues for the 1st time in 2008...addictive. If I can get there 6 more times...that's more than 2007! LOL Seriously, as a fellow "Superwoman", I understand. However, the cool thing about realistic goals is you attain most of them, leaving grace for the ones that you don't. You've got some more work to do re: your goals, but at least you're on your way. Leaves you WAY ahead of those who don't even have goals. Love ya. Welcome to the 30+ club!!! -S
ps - working out today & tomorrow. Then onto a Mon/Wed/Fri rotation at the gym. Thanks for your support and encouragement, means more than you know...

Anonymous said...

You've accomplished a lot, so be proud of that. It's hard to stay in the weight range you want to be in.
FYI, I'm trying to find a subject for a weight loss column I'm freelancing for a magazine. If you're interested, email me at

RunToTheFinish said...

It seems to me you have loads to be proud of about your entire life and I know we all (or most of us) push ourselves to be better or want to look just a little better, but I hope you find time to enjoy who you are and what you've done, it's pretty awesome.

Marcol said...

30, how sweet it is! As for the weight not being what you want, dont be so hard on yourself. Youve had an amazing school year and youve tackled it like the champ you are! Youve showed us how to get it done when we have to! Dont see where you are as a setback, we know just as soon as the semester is up youll have that Serena body!

Here's to a great end for your first year of grad school. Just think, this time next year youll be finishing this degree off! Youre a rockstar Rebecca!

Ripx180 said...

Life just keeps getting faster!! I am 33 looking at 34... which seems crazy to me. I don't feel a day over 20... well maybe a little. Good to see a check in from you, take care of yourself ya hear and do come back more often.

Shinah said...

Come back to us Becky. don't fall off the road is never straight there are curves and bends . Even if you blog once a month and you're up 25lbs lets us know where your head is at.

Masters are made not born.

Earl said...

Interesting new title and description. I eagerly await your first post under the theme.