Friday, January 4, 2008

The New Gym Crowd

Ok, I know it's January. How do I know? Because the gym is packed with people who are determined that they are going to get in shape this year. You can tell who the newbies are by the way they walk around inspecting the machines to see what muscles they work. Or the way they wander around the weight room trying to figure out what to do with themselves. They get on the treadmill and painstakingly choose a program and speed. They look at the people around them (and there are plenty) to see what they are doing. This is why I am a morning gym girl - there is far less competition and crowding at 6:30 in the morning. Unfortunately I had to go to the gym at 4:30 pm one day this week, and there were too many people for me. One guy stalked me on the bike. As soon as I got off, he was, literally, next to me, ready to take over. He must have been watching me for cues. And then he stared at me until I left. Of course, I stared back until he gave me a little weak-ass smile. Whateva man. Next day - 6:30 am - ghost town. Just the old faithfuls who have been there all along. Some of the newbies will be there in 6 months and beyond. Some will go until February and fall off until next December. But they'll be back next year. Don't get me wrong - I am not looking down or judging them. We all start somewhere. I started lifting weights to give myself something to do to heal from a break up almost 10 years ago, and I stuck with it and will continue to do so. The question is not where you start, the question is where you are going. I hope that all the new year's resolution gym goers create a lifelong habit of exercise & good nutrition, as long as they stay out of my way. ;)


Melissa said...

I remember my first year doing that...I waited till March so I didnt look so new. :p But I still tried to remain visible.

There is nothing better than getting to the gym in those early hours. Its like serenity sometimes :)

Jay said...

yeah, the early morning gym visits are the best.

I like your attitude about it, "people gotta start somewhere, but stay out of my way!" hehe

Don't worry, most of the folks will shake off after a few weeks, and the folks that are going to stick with it will fall into the routine and become regulars.

Anonymous said...

haha, cute post...yeah, most of those newbies will thin out as the year goes on. i used to be one of them!

Julie said...

Hi Rebecca,

I've been reading your blog for a while now and just started one of my own. I'm part of the F.A.T group so my blog is posted on Billy's blogspot.

I'm just curious, I know you lift pretty heavy weights but how much cardio do you do and what do you eat? I'm fine tuning my program and adding more weights etc. and looking to tweak a few other things as well. See my blog.

Tea said...

I always find it sad. I want those people to stick around, so badly! There is a reason they are there, right? But then, if they are just going to be gone in a few weeks, they might as well get out of my way.

Congrats on NOT being one of them. :)

Ripx180 said...

I bet the gyms love the new year.... a bunch of suckers who sign up for a year and go for 1 month. I am a early morning guy too... so much can be done before the majority of the people are up and going.