Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Day Two

Well, today was Day 2 of my new workout regime, and it was NO JOKE! I had to do single-leg deadlifts, swiss ball push ups, overhead squats, and inverted row. Let's talk about the swiss ball push up. Who's idea was that anyway? The ball wobbles so much I thought I was gonna fall right on my face in the weight room. I could only eke out 6 the first time. By the third set I had worked my way up to 8, but golly! They were so hard. The other stuff was difficult too, and it challenged my balance and made my legs BURN. I was already a bit sore from yesterday, so I'm sure I can expect more soreness tomorrow, which is my day off. Then 25 minutes on the bike finished the job. I stuck to my guns and avoided carbs today, and decided to go ahead and cut my calories. I really want to see my weight come back to where it's supposed to be this week, by any (healthy) means necessary. This week is actually going to be a challenge in terms of working out, because there are a couple of things that I have going on this week during what is my normal workout time. It may mean I have to get up early Saturday morning, which I don't like to do. But I will if I have to! I was talking to someone about exercise, a friend of mine who just finished her first year of grad school. She said she has 30 pounds to lose before graduation next year, and for her exercise is not a priority right now. I understand that, but for me, it will be. First of all, I need to take the rest of this weight off. Secondly, I've worked too hard to take it off to just let it come back on. I realize I may not be able to get to the gym as much as I do now, but I will definitely continue to make it a priority. Of course, doing well in school will be a high priority, because I'm not going into debt for nothing! But life is really about priorities. We make excuses for what we don't do, but the reality is that we find time to do what really matters to us. I guess the tough thing is sometimes accepting the fact that what we say matters really must not, because we don't make it a priority. And sometimes priorities have to be rearranged, and that's not easy either. And the truth of the matter is that if we don't make ourselves, our health and emotional wellbeing a priority, we're no good for the other things in life, like our spouses/significant others, children, jobs, etc. Well, that's enough philosophy for now. Off to bed for me!


Rob Tucker said...

You're exactly right. Our reasons for doing this go much deeper than just how we look - if we don't take care of ourselves, how can we expect the same from others?

You're doing great - keep it up!

Kristen said...

You're so right about taking care of ourselves. I know that I'm a much better wife and mother and friend now that I feel better about myself. All I wanted to do before was sit on the couch and watch TV. Now I want to get out and do things - or sit and blog :)